Renting in South Australia? It's essential to understand your rights when it comes to routine inspections. Landlords have the right to inspect their properties, but they need to follow the rules! Here's the lowdown:
Notice Period: More Than a Week, Less Than a Month
Your landlord or property manager must give you written notice of a routine inspection at least 7 days in advance, but no more than 28 days. This gives you time to tidy up and prepare for the inspection, but prevents landlords from scheduling them excessively far in advance.
What the Notice Must Include:
- The date of the inspection
- A 2-hour window during which the inspection will take place. For example, they might say the inspection will occur between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM on a specific date.
New Limits on Inspection Frequency:
Starting July 1, 2024, a big change came into effect! Landlords are now limited to conducting only 4 routine inspections per year. This is great news for tenants who value their privacy and don't want constant interruptions. However, there's an exception: the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT) can order more frequent inspections if necessary.
- These rules apply only to routine inspections. Different notice periods apply for other reasons, such as repairs or showing the property to potential buyers or tenants.
- Always document communication with your landlord or property manager regarding inspections.
Want more info? feel free to reach out to our advisory team for detailed information on your rights and responsibilities as a tenant in South Australia.